2011年7月8日 星期五

樂浪島第二天 - 舒適

點解你今日打得咁快既? 痴左線呀?
唔...........你知喇, 今日係happy friday,而且老細冇返又再happy 多一d
咪打得快d lor......hohoho



去完snorkling 返唻, 都仲係下午者
package係包一日4餐, 你睇睇錯呀, 係4餐
早午晚 + 個下午茶! snorkling 返唻剛好tea time~
不過就得D 包呀, TEA 呀, 西瓜~ 正!

唔算係high tea, 不過係beach side tea都好呀

返房沖涼換衫, 再出沙灘走走

呢張係自拍的, hohoho, 如果搵人影就會嚇親街坊

竟然係沙中發現了"小小" 你要努力成長呀~

解釋: 因為島是L 形的, 我的RESORT 是在L 的最左面
  而轉入L 的另一面就是其他RESORT!
  相中的海中大石就係大L 的轉口位!

我地見到一間bar, 當然又係beach side 架喇!
呢d 去到邊都係beach side~
買來一個coconut~ 雖然有少少貴, 少少者! rm10 一個~
不過咁既環境下, 唔整返個coconut 真係有d 對唔住個海~

呢個coconut 都好大個, 飲完仲可以用唻做道具tim~
a bit like 馬e代夫, 未有$ 去就feel like 去左先喇!
其實都係同一個海者, 大家都係馬來西亞, 唔會差太遠既

jump jump jump

有人話要學杜如風! 唻個側手fan 先~
我唔懂, 跳跳下算了!

見到有人在影沙龍, 都有d 心動想影,
不過俊仔話"人地影就得, 你就會比人歧視, 算吧喇你" 我:

仲見到個bat-man baby~ 超搞笑~

再轉入去L 既沙灘另一邊, 去到最盡頭就會見到麼麼茶屋架喇
去行一個快round, 買左雪條!

晚上係下午去過既bar, 飲下啤酒, 今晚星星不多
好早就返左房訓覺lu, 因為明天早起去marine park 喇!

2 則留言:

  1. 小車您好,我計劃8月會去,想問下你住嘅酒店舊5舊呀,我想訂sea view room, D野難5難食?𠴱到有冇得安排local tour for snorkeling?有冇其他地方食野?你隔離𠴱間酒店係5係sari Pacifica? 由你間酒店行去mo mo tea遠5遠?
    [版主回覆05/13/2012 02:48:55]我住果間酒店唔係舊,係有風味原始少少,咩都無但又平又無香港人,啲野唔難食只要你要求唔好咁高!唔洗自己local tour 佢package係包一日兩次既浮潛架!酒店去麼麼茶唔可以話遠又唔係近,係沙灘既一頭一尾!希望幫到你=] 唔明再問呀

  2. Thank you for yr reply. Once, my plan will go to Mo Mo Tea area, Finally, I confirmed Sari Spacifica Lang Tengah Island. somebody said Lang Tegah Island better than Redang Island, so I decided go to there, did u go there before? If can I will plan 1 day tour to Mo Mo Tea.
    [The回覆05/14/2012 17:33:28]早前angelababy拍左部戲(夏日樂柔柔), 不過我冇睇過, 我都係揾酒店時先知道.
    [The回覆05/14/2012 17:30:12]浪中島, yes, only for domestic flight.
    [版主回覆05/14/2012 17:10:39]Lang Tegah Island any chinese name? i cannot find information in yahoo. Thanks.
    O, you mean only internal flight cost you 2400 for 4 person?
    [The回覆05/14/2012 16:37:41]Yes, but compare with HK-KUL-HK the flight tickets just 37xx.
    [版主回覆05/14/2012 16:32:01]Just like last time I went there, oh! I think 2400 is ok la! Total 4 tickets per person wor!
    [The回覆05/14/2012 16:26:31]from KUL-TGG-KUL by airasia, but, the flight ticket for 2adult x 2child very expensive around $24xx.
    [版主回覆05/14/2012 15:16:30]I haven't been there ar, is there any direct flight? I am planning the other sun and beach holiday ar, think think sin! Keke
